Ezen a menüponton látható a korábban általam említett BIG VÉGIGJÁTSZÁSI LISTA. Ezen a listán olyan játékok találhatóak, amikkel vagy játszottam, vagy csak akartam játszani velük, netán tervezem, hogy végig fogom játszani őket, esetleg klasszikus címeknek számítanak, éppen ezért ki kell próbálni őket, és ha tetszenek, akkor akár végig is játszani.
Ehhez egy elég elvetemült dolgot találtam ki: 1980-tól egészen napjainkig MINDEN létező játékot felírtam a listára, ami a fent említett végigjátszási kategóriába tartozik. Az elképzelés az, hogyha sikerül mindegyikkel játszanom egy kicsit, vagy mindegyiket végigjátszanom, akkor már csak a manapság megjelenő játékokra kell koncentrálnom, úgymond nem maradok le semmiről (bár elképzelhető, hogy így is lemaradtam már, mert mondjuk nem kapható egy játék, vagy nem lehet vele akármilyen hardveren játszani, esetleg bezártak a szerverei…stb).
FONTOS: A lista egyáltalán nem teljes! Mint írtam 1980-tól tartalmaz játékokat napjainkig, de főleg konzolos címek vannak rajta, egészen a PS4-es korszakig (mivel arra még jelenhetnek meg játékok), PC-s címek közül is inkább régebbiek láthatóak (tehát mondjuk 2010-ig), illetve DOS-os és hasonló címek tényleg csak elenyészve vannak rajta. Ez nem azt jelenti, hogy ezen platformokra nem lennék tekintettel, vagy nem akarnék nagyobb PC-s címekkel játszani, egyszerűen csak a régebbi címekre koncentráltam, mert ahogy említettem, előbb vigyem végig a régebbi címeket, utána jöhetnek az újak. És amit még ki akarok hangsúlyozni az az, hogyha nagyon régi címről van szó (pl. NES játék), akkor lehet, hogy csalással fogom végigvinni (pl. örök feltámadási lehetőség, save state-ek használata…stb), viszont minél újabb, annál kevésbé akarok benne csalni (vagyis mondjuk PS2-es játékok és újabbak esetében nem tervezek). Ezt nem azért, mert béna lennék, egyszerűen csak meg akarom könnyíteni a dolgomat azzal, hogy végig tudjam vinni azokat a címeket, amik máskülönben több hétbe telnének (mivel nincs már annyi időm játszani, mint fiatalabb koromban).
Bár a lista tényleg bővülget, de jelenleg annyi játék van rajta (közel 900 cím), amit 4-5 évbe telne végigjátszani, már ha tényleg ki akarom mindet maxolni, lassabb tempóban akarok haladni, valamint MEGÁLLÁS NÉLKÜL játszanék velük. Tehát akár 10 év is lehet, mire minddel játszok, és hol vannak még akkor azok a címek, amik hiányoznak róla… Bár amilyen új játékok megjelennek manapság, lehet nem maradok le túl sokról, ki tudja… 🙂
És akkor íme a lista. Szerepel rajta a játék címe, a platform amire elérhető (azt majd én döntöm el, hogy min fogom végigjátszani, esetleg csak azt írtam bele amin végigjátszanám), valamint ha akarok, akkor írok hozzá megjegyzést is. Lehet egy-két cím duplikálva van rajta, de idővel úgyis szűkülni fog a kör.
Játék neve | Platform | Megjegyzés |
10.000 Bullets | PS2 | |
1001 spikes | WiiU | |
3D Dot Game Heroes | PS3 | |
40 Winks | PS1 | A demóját rongyosra játszottam annó |
50 Cent – Blood on the Sand | PS3, X360 | |
50 Cent Bulletproof | PS2 | |
8Bit Hero | WiiU | |
99 Vidas | PSN | |
Ace Attorney Investigations – Miles Edgeworth | NDS | |
ActRaiser 2 | SNES | |
Age of Booty | PS3, PSN, XBLA | |
AirMech Arena | XBLA | |
Aladdin | SNES | NES-en rongyosra játszottam |
Alien Breed | PS3 | |
Alien Breed – Impact | PS3 | |
Alien Breed 2 – Assault | PS3 | |
Alien Breed 3 – Descent | PS3 | |
Alien Isolation | PC | Elkezdtem, de nem fejeztem be |
Alien Rampage | DOS | |
Aliens Infestation | NDS | |
All Zombies Must Die! | PS3 | |
Alone in the Dark – The New Nightmare | PS1 | Elkezdtem, de nem fejeztem be, és még spéci videót is össze akartam vágni hozzá annó |
Alone in the Dark 2 | PC | Elkezdtem fordítani, utána játszanám végig |
Alone in the Dark 3 | PC | Elkezdtem fordítani, utána játszanám végig |
Anarchy Reigns | PS3, X360 | |
Another World | SNES | Még sose játszottam végig egyben, csak csalással |
Ape Escape 2 | PS2 | Az 1. rész nagy kedvenc, játszottam ezzel is, de nem vittem végig |
Ape Escape 3 | PS2 | Az 1. rész nagy kedvenc |
Apollo Justice – Ace Attorney | NDS | |
Armageddon Riders | PS3 | |
Armed and Dangerous | XBOX | |
Armored Core – For Answer | PS3, X360 | FromSoftware játék, le kell játszani 😀 |
Armored Core – Verdict Day | PS3, X360 | Dettó |
Armored Core 4 | PS3, X360 | Dettó |
Armored Core V | PS3, X360 | Dettó |
Army of Two | PS3, X360 | |
Army of Two – The 40th Day | PS3, X360 | |
Army of Two – The Devil’s Cartel | PS3, X360 | |
Art of Balance | WiiU | |
Assassin’s Creed – Rogue | X360 | |
Assassin’s Creed IV – Black Flag | X360 | 4x kezdtem el, ötödjére végig kell vinni |
Asura’s Wrath + DLC-k | PS3, X360 | |
Axiom Verge | WiiU | |
Axiom Verge 2 | Switch | |
Bang! | PSN | |
Banjo-Kazooie | N64, XBLA | |
Banjo-Tooie | N64, XBLA | |
Baroque | Wii | |
Battalion Wars | GameCube | |
Battalion Wars 2 | Wii | |
Battlefield 2 – Modern Combat | PS2 | |
Bayonetta | PS3, X360, WiiU | |
Bayonetta 2 | WiiU | |
Bayonetta 3 | Switch | |
Beast Wrestler | MegaDrive | |
Beat Down – Fists of Vengeance | XBOX | |
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk | PS3 | |
Betrayal at Krondor | DOS | |
Beyblade – Let it rip! | PS1 | |
Beyond Good & Evil | PS2, GameCube | Elkezdtem, de az irányítás miatt meguntam (kamerakezelés…) |
Beyond Good & Evil HD | PS3, PSN, XBLA | |
Beyond Oasis / The Story of Thor | MegaDrive | |
Bionic Commando | NES | |
Bionic Commando – Rearmed | PS3, PSN | |
Bionic Commando – Rearmed 2 | PS3, PSN | |
Black | PS2, XBLA | 3x is elkezdtem, ideje befejezni |
Black Buccaneer | PS2 | |
Black Rock Shooter – The Game | PSP | |
Blackthorne | DOS, SNES | |
Blood | PC | |
Blood 2 – The Chosen | PC | |
Blood Drive | PS3 | |
Blood Knights | PS3 | |
Bomber Hehhe | DreamCast | |
Boom Blox | Wii | |
Boom Blox – Bash Party | Wii | |
Brain Dead 13 | PS1 | |
Brave Fencer Musashi | PS1 | |
Bravely Default | 3DS | |
Bravely Default 2 | 3DS | |
Bravely Second – End Layer | 3DS | |
Breakout | PS1 | |
Broken Sword – The Angel of Death | PC | Az első két részt imádtam, ideje ezeket is végigjátszani |
Broken Sword – The Sleeping Dragon | PS2 | Az első két részt imádtam, ideje ezeket is végigjátszani |
Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse | PC | Az első két részt imádtam, ideje ezeket is végigjátszani |
Buccaneer | PS2 | |
Burnout Crash! | PS3, PSN, XBLA | |
Burnout Revenge | PS2 | |
Call of Cthulhu – Dark Corners of the Earth | XBOX | Annó elkezdtem, de nem játszottam végig |
Call of Cthulhu – Prisoner of Ice | PC | |
Call of Cthulhu – Shadow of the Comet | DOS | |
Call of Duty | PC | Végigjátszottam, de most megismételném |
Call of Duty – United Offensive | PC | |
Call of Duty 2 | PC | |
Calling | Wii | |
Captain Toad – Treasure Tracker | 3DS, WiiU | |
Carcassonne | XBLA | |
Carrier | DreamCast | |
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse | PS3, XBLA | |
CastleStorm | PS3, XBLA, WiiU | |
Castlevania – Dawn of Sorrow | NDS | |
Castlevania – Dracula X | SNES | |
Castlevania – Harmony of Despair | PS3, XBLA | |
Castlevania – Lords of Shadow 2 | PS3 | Egy bug miatt nem tudtam végigjátszani… |
Castlevania – Order of Ecclesia | NDS | |
Castlevania – Portrait of Ruin | NDS | |
Castlevania – Symphony of the Night | PS1, XBLA | |
Catherine | PS3, X360 | |
Charlie Murder | XBLA | |
Chase the Express / Covert Ops – Nuclear Dawn | PS1 | |
Chibi-Robo! | GameCube | |
Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash | 3DS | |
Children of Mana | NDS | |
Chili Con Carnage | PSP | |
Choplifter HD | PSN, XBLA | |
Choplifter III | SNES | |
Chrono Trigger | SNES | |
Chulip | PS2 | |
Citadale – Gate of Souls | WiiU | |
Citadale – The Legends Trilogy | WiiU | |
Clock Tower | PS1 | |
Clock Tower 3 | PS2 | |
Clock Tower II – The Struggle Within | PS1 | |
Codename Tenka | PS1 | |
Cold Fear | PS2 | |
Command & Conquer – Red Alert | PS1 | |
Commando – Steel Disaster | NDS | |
Confidential Mission | DreamCast | |
Conker – Live & Reloaded | XBOX | |
Conker’s Bad Fur Day | N64 | Annó eljutottam kábé a háromnegyedéig, ideje befejezni |
Contra 4 | NDS | |
Contrast | PS3, X360 | |
Coraline | PS2 | |
Crackdown | X360 | |
Crackdown 2 (csak ha működik a Co-op) | X360 | |
Crash – Mind Over Mutant | PS2, X360 | |
Crash Bandicoot – The Wrath of Cortex | PS2 | Elkezdtem, de nem fejeztem be |
Crash of the Titans | PS2, X360 | |
Crash Twinsanity | PS2 | |
Crime Life – Gang Wars | PS2 | |
Crisis Core – Final Fantasy VII | PSP | |
Crisis Zone / Time Crisis – Crisis Zone | PS2 | |
Croc – Legend of the Gobbos | PS1 | |
Croc 2 | PS1 | |
Crossed Swords | NeoGeo | |
Crossed Swords 2 (japán only) | NeoGeo | |
Crusty Demons | PS2, XBOX | |
Crystal Defenders | PSP, PS3 | |
Cubivore – Survival of the Fittest | GameCube | |
Cursed Mountain | Wii | |
Cyber-Lip | NeoGeo | |
D | PS1 | |
Dark Cloud | PS2 | |
Dark Could 2 / Dark Chronicle | PS2 | |
Dark Mist | PSN | |
Dark Sector | PS3, X360 | |
Dark Void | PS3, X360 | |
Darklands | DOS | |
DarkSiders II | X360 | |
Darkwatch | PS2 | Öcsémmel elkezdtem annó, de egyedül fogom befejezni |
Dawn of Mana | PS2 | |
Daxter | PSP | |
Day of the Tentacle | PC | Kimaradt klasszikus… |
Dead Block | PS3, PSN, XBLA | |
Dead Eye Jim | PS2 | |
Dead Head Fred | PSP | |
Dead Island | PC | |
Dead Island Riptide | PC | |
Dead Nation | PS3 | |
Dead Rising 2 – Case West | XBLA | |
Dead Rising 2 – Off the Record | PC, X360 | |
Dead Space Extraction | Wii | |
Dead to Rights | PS2, GameCube | |
Dead to Rights – Reckoning | PSP | |
Dead to Rights – Retribution | PS3, X360 | |
Dead to Rights II | PS2 | |
Deadlight | XBLA | |
Deadly Creatures | Wii | |
Deception IV – Blood Ties | PS3 | |
Deception IV – The Nightmare Princess | PS3 | |
Defend Your Crypt | WiiU | |
Demolition Racer – No Exit | DreamCast | |
Demon’s Crest | SNES | |
Destrega | PS1 | Elkezdtem, már a vége felé járok |
Destroy All Humans – Path of the Furon | PS3, X360 | |
Devil May Cry | PS2 | |
Devil May Cry 2 | PS2 | |
Devil May Cry 4 | PS3, X360 | |
Devil May Cry HD Collection | PS3, X360 | |
Devil’s Deception / Tecmo’s Deception – Invitation to Darkness | PS1 | |
Diablo III – Reaper of Souls | X360 | |
Diablo III – Ultimate Evil Edition | PS4 | |
Dino Crisis | PS1 | |
Dino Crisis 2 | PS1 | A végén elakadtam még évekkel ezelőtt… |
Dirge of Cerberus – Final Fantasy VII | PS2 | |
Discworld | PC, PS1 | |
Discworld 2 | PC, PS1 | |
Dissidia – Final Fantasy | PSP | |
Dissidia 012 – Duodecim Final Fantasy | PSP | |
Donald Duck – Goin’ Quackers / Quack Attack | PS1, PS2, N64 | |
Donkey Kong 64 | N64 | |
Donkey Kong Country | SNES | |
Donkey Kong Country – Tropical Freeze | WiiU | |
Donkey Kong Country 2 – Diddy Kong’s Quest | SNES | |
Donkey Kong Country 3 – Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble | SNES | |
Donkey Kong Country Returns | Wii | |
Don’t Crash | WiiU | |
Dossun! Ganseki Battle | SNES | |
Double Dragon II – The Revenge | MegaDrive | |
Dragon Ball Z – The Legend | Sega Saturn | |
Dragon’s Crown | PS3 | |
Dragon’s Dogma – Dark Arisen | PC, X360 | A demója bejött, a teljessel meg alig játszottam |
Drakkhen | SNES | |
Driver | PS1 | |
Driver 2 | PS1 | A legeslegvégén elakadtam… de majd most! |
DuckTales – Remastered | PS3, X360 | |
Dungeons & Dragons – Chronicles of Mystara (Tower of Doom + Shadow over Mystara) | PC, XBLA, MAME | |
Dust – An Elysian Tail | PC, XBLA | |
Dynasty Warriors – Strikeforce | PSP | |
Dynasty Warriors DS – Fighter’s Battle | NDS | |
Earthbound | SNES | |
Earthworm Jim | SNES | |
Earthworm Jim 2 | SNES | |
echochrome | PSP, PS3 | |
echoshift | PSP | |
Epic Mickey | Wii | |
Epic Mickey – The Power of Illusion | 3DS | |
Epic Mickey 2 – The Power of Two | Wii, PS3 | |
Eternal Darkness – Sanity’s Requiem | GameCube | |
Exile’s End | WiiU | |
Fairytale Fights | PS3, X360 | |
Fat Princess | PS3 | |
Fat Princess – Fistful of Cake | PSP | |
Fatal Frame | PS2 | |
Fatal Frame – Maiden of Black Water | WiiU | |
Fatal Frame 4 – Mask of the Lunar Eclipse (csak fordítással) | Wii | |
Fatal Frame II – Crimson Butterfly | PS2 | |
Fatal Frame III – The Tormented | PS2 | |
Final Exam | PS3, PSN, XBLA | |
Final Fantasy | PSP | Gondoltam sorjában végigjátszom őket… elleszek egy darabig 😀 |
Final Fantasy – Crystal Chronicles | GameCube | |
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – The Crystal Bearers | Wii | |
Final Fantasy II | PSP | |
Final Fantasy III | PSP | |
Final Fantasy IV Collection | PSP | |
Final Fantasy IX | PS1 | |
Final Fantasy VII | PS1 | |
Final Fantasy VIII | PS1 | |
Final Fight – Streetwise | PS2 | |
Flashback | SNES | |
Flashback HD | PS3, X360 | |
Forbidden Siren | PS2 | |
Forbidden Siren 2 | PS2 | |
Fortix 2 | PC | |
Full Throttle | DOS | |
Fuse | PS3, X360 | |
F-Zero | SNES | |
F-Zero GX | GameCube | |
F-Zero X | N64 | |
Galerians | PS1 | |
Galerians – Ash | PS2 | |
Gatling Gears | PSN, XBLA | |
Gauntlet – Slayer Edition | PC | |
Gears of War – Judgment | X360 | |
Gears of War 3 | X360 | Annó elkezdtem, de nem fejeztem be |
Geist | GameCube | |
General Chaos | MegaDrive | |
Geometry Wars – Retro Evolved | XBLA | |
Ghost Squad | Wii | |
Ghost Trick – Phantom Detective | NDS | |
Ghosts ‘n Goblins | NES | |
Ghoul Panic | PS1 | |
Ghoul Patrol | SNES | |
Giants – Citizen Kabuto | PS2 | Jelenleg ezzel szenvedek |
Gobliiins | PC | |
God Hand | PS2 | Tetűnehéz, de le kéne játszani |
GoldenEye 007 | N64 | |
Grabbed by the Ghoulies | XBOX, XBLA | |
Gravity Crash | PSN | |
Guacamelee! | PSN | |
Guardian Heroes | Sega Saturn, XBLA | |
Guilty Gear 2 – Overture | X360 | |
Gun | PC | |
Halo 2 | PC | |
Halo 3 | X360 | |
Halo 3 ODST | X360 | |
Halo 4 | X360 | |
Halo Combat Evolved | X360 | Nem szeretem a Halo-t (meg sok más játékot az itteni listán), de adok neki(k) egy esélyt |
Halo Reach | X360 | |
Hard Corps – Uprising | PS3, XBLA | |
Haunting Ground | PS2 | |
Haze | PS3 | |
Heart of the Alien | Sega CD | |
Helldivers | PC | |
Herc’s Adventures | PS1, Sega Saturn | |
Heroes of Mana | NDS | |
Hitman – Sniper Challenge | PC, PS3 | |
Hive Jump | WiiU | |
Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do to Deserve This? | PSP | |
How to Survive | PC | |
How to Survive 2 | PC | |
Hugo | PS1 | |
Hugo 2 | PS1 | |
Hunter – The Reckoning | XBOX, GameCube | |
Hunter The Reckoning – Redeemer | XBOX | |
Hunter The Reckoning – Wayward | PS2 | |
Hyrule Warriors | WiiU | |
Hyrule Warriors Legends | 3DS | |
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Cream | PC | |
Ico | PS2, PS3 | Még nem játszottam le 🙁 |
Ikaruga | DreamCast, XBLA | |
Illbleed | DreamCast | |
Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb | PS2 | |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis | PC | |
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings | PS2 | |
Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventure | SNES | |
inFamous – Festival of Blood | PS3, PSN | |
Inversion | PS3, X360 | |
Jak 3 | PS2 | |
Jak and Daxter – The Lost Frontier | PS2 | |
Jak and Daxter – The Precursor Legacy | PS2 | |
Jak and Daxter Collection | PS3 | |
Jak II | PS2 | |
Jet Grind Radio | DreamCast | |
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure HD | PSN, XBLA | |
Just Cause 2 | PC | |
Just Cause 3 | PC | |
Just Cause 4 | PC | |
Kenka Bancho – Badass Rumble | PSP | |
Kid Icarus – Uprising | 3DS | |
Killer is Dead | PC, PS3, X360 | |
Killer7 | PS2, GameCube | |
Killzone | PS2 | |
Killzone – Liberation | PSP | |
Killzone 2 | PS3 | |
Killzone 3 | PS3 | |
Killzone HD | PS3, PSN | |
King Arthur | GameCube | |
King of Dragons | SNES | |
Kingdom Hearts | PS2 | |
Kingdom Hearts – Birth by Sleep | PSP | |
Kingdom Hearts 2 | PS2 | |
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days | NDS | |
Kingdom Hearts 3D – Dream Drop Distance | 3DS | |
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix | PS3 | |
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix | PS3 | |
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories | PS2 | |
Kingdom Hearts Recoded | NDS | |
Kingdom Under Fire – Circle of Doom | X360 | |
Kingdom Under Fire – Heroes | XBOX | |
Kingdom Under Fire – The Crusaders | XBOX | |
Kirby – Canvas Curse / Power Paintbrush | NDS | |
Kirby – Mass Attack | NDS | |
Kirby – Planet Robobot | 3DS | |
Kirby – Squeak Attack / Mouse Attack | NDS | |
Kirby – Triple Deluxe | 3DS | |
Kirby 64 – The Crystal Shards | N64 | |
Kirby Battle Royale | 3DS | |
Kirby Super Star | SNES | |
Kirby Super Star Ultra | NDS | |
Kirby’s Adventure | NES | |
Kirby’s Dream Land 3 | SNES | |
Kirby’s Epic Yarn | Wii | |
Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn | 3DS | |
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land | Wii | |
Knights of the Round | SNES | |
Koudelka | PS1 | |
Kung Fu Rider | PS3 | |
Kuon | PS2 | |
L.A. Noire | PC | Nagyon béna vagyok benne, de talán most rájövök, hogy mi-hogyan működik |
Land It Rocket | WiiU | |
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light | PC, XBLA | |
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris | PC | |
Layton’s Mystery Journey – Katrielle and The Millionaires’s Conspiracy | 3DS | |
Legend | SNES | |
Legend of Mana | PS1 | |
Legend of Spyro – Dawn of the Dragon | PS3 | |
Legend of Zelda – Link’s Awakening | Switch | |
LEGO City Undercover | WiiU | |
Lemmings | PC | |
Lemmings 2 – The Tribes | PC | |
LittleBigPlanet | PS3 | |
LittleBigPlanet 2 | PS3 | |
LittleBigPlanet 3 | PS3 | |
LocoRoco | PSP | |
LocoRoco – Midnight Carnival | PSP | |
LocoRoco 2 | PSP | |
LocoRoco Cocoreccho! | PSN | |
Lollipop Chainsaw | PS3, X360 | |
Loom | PC | |
Looney Tunes – Sheep Raider / Sheep, Dog ‘n’ Wolf | PS1 | |
Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King | GameCube | |
Lost in Blue – Shipwrecked | Wii | |
Lost in Shadow /A Shadow’s Tale | Wii | |
Lost Planet 3 | X360 | |
Lost Vikings 1 | SNES | |
Lost Vikings 2 – Norse by Norsewest | PS1, SNES | |
Luigi’s Mansion | GameCube | |
Luigi’s Mansion 2 (Dark Moon) | 3DS | |
Madworld | Wii | |
MAG (privát szerón, ha van) | PS3 | |
Magic Carpet | PC, PS1, Sega Saturn | |
Magic Carpet 2 – The Netherworlds | DOS | |
Magic Orbz | PSN | |
Mana Khemia – Alchemists of Al-Revis | PS2 | |
Mana Khemia – Student Alliance | PSP | Annó sokat játszottam vele, de félbehagytam |
Mana Khemia 2 – Fall of Alchemy | PS2 | |
Marc Ecko’s Getting Up – Contents Under Pressure | PS2 | |
Mario & Luigi – Bowser’s Inside Story | NDS | |
Mario & Luigi – Bowser’s Inside Story + Bowser Jr’s Journey | 3DS | |
Mario & Luigi – Dream Team Bros. | 3DS | |
Mario & Luigi – Paper Jam Bros. | 3DS | |
Mario & Luigi – Partners in Time | NDS | |
Mario Kart 8 | WiiU | |
Mark of the Ninja | XBLA | |
Master of Magic | DOS | |
Master of Monsters – Disciples of Gaia | PS1 | |
Maximo – Ghosts to Glory | PS2 | |
Maximo vs. Army of Zin | PS2 | |
Maximum Force | PS1 | |
Medal of Honor | PS1 | |
Medal of Honor – Underground | PS1 | |
Mega Man 64 | N64 | |
Mega Man Legends | PS1 | |
Mega Man Legends 2 | PS1 | |
Mega-Lo-Mania | SNES | |
Mercenaries 2 – World in Flames | PC, PS3 | |
Metal Arms – Glitch in the System | XBOX | |
Metal Gear Solid – The Twin Snakes | GameCube | |
Metro 2033 | PC, X360 | |
Metro Last Light | PC, X360 | |
Metroid – Other M | Wii | |
Metroid – Samus Returns | 3DS | |
Metroid Prime | GameCube | |
Metroid Prime 2 – Echoes | GameCube | |
Metroid Prime 3 – Corruption | Wii | |
Metroid Prime Trilogy | Wii | |
Michigan – Report From Hell | PS2 | |
Middle-Earth – Shadow of Mordor | PC | |
Middle-Earth – Shadow of War | PC | |
Millennium Soldier – Expendable | PS1 | |
Mini Ninjas | PC, PS3, X360 | |
Mischief Makers | N64 | |
Moho | DreamCast, PS1 | |
Monkey Island 2 – LeChuck’s Revenge | PC, PSN | |
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate | 3DS | |
Monster Hunter Frontier | PC (Privát szeró) | |
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate | 3DS | |
Monster Madness – Battle for Suburbia | X360 | |
Monster Madness – Grave Danger | PS3 | |
MotorStorm | PS3 | |
MotorStorm – Apocalypse | PS3 | |
MotorStorm – Arctic Edge | PS2 | |
MotorStorm – Pacific Rift | PS3 | |
MouseCraft | PSN | |
Ms. Splosion Man | XBLA | |
Muramasa – The Demon Blade | Wii | |
Naughty Bear | PS3, X360, XBLA | |
Naughty Bear – Panic in Paradise | PS3, X360, XBLA | |
Neighbours from Hell | PC | Bár végigjátszottam, ismét végigjátszanám |
Neighbours from Hell 2 – On Vacation | PC | |
Never Alone | PC, PSN | |
New Super Luigi U | WiiU | |
New Super Mario Bros U | WiiU | |
New Super Mario Bros Wii | Wii | |
New Super Mario Bros. | NDS | |
New Super Mario Bros. 2 | 3DS | |
Nightmare Creatures | PS1 | |
Nights into dreams | XBLA | |
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors | NDS | |
Ninja Gaiden | XBOX | |
Ninja Gaiden 2 | X360 | |
Ninja Gaiden 3 | PS3 | |
Ninja Gaiden 3 – Razor’s Edge | X360 | |
Ninja Gaiden Black | XBOX | |
Ninja Gaiden Sigma | PS3 | |
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 | PS3 | |
No Heroes Allowed | PSP | |
No Man’s Land | PSN | |
No More Heroes 2 – Desperate Struggles | PC, PS3, X360 | |
Noby Noby Boy | PSN | |
Odama | GameCube | |
Oddworld – Abe’s Exoddus | PC | |
Oddworld – Abe’s Oddysee | PC | |
Oddworld – Munch’s Oddysee HD | PS3, X360 | |
Oddworld – Stranger’s Wrath HD | PS3, X360 | |
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir | PS3 | |
Ohayou! Beginner’s Japanese | WiiU | |
Okami | PS2 | |
Omega Boost | PS1 | |
One Piece – Unlimited Cruise 1 – The Treasure Beneath the Waves | Wii | |
One Piece – Unlimited Cruise 2 – Awakening of a Hero | Wii | |
One Piece Unlimited Adventure | Wii | |
One Piece Unlimited World Red | WiiU | |
Onimusha – Dawn of Dreams | PS2 | |
Onimusha – Warlords | PS2 | |
Onimusha 2 – Samurai’s Destiny | PS2 | |
Onimusha 3 – Demon Siege | PS2 | |
Outland | PSN | |
Overlord – Dark Legend | Wii | |
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures | WiiU | |
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 | WiiU | |
Pac-Man World 2 | PS2, GameCube | |
Pac-Man World 3 | PS2, GameCube | |
PAIN | PSN | |
Pandora’s Tower | Wii | |
Paper Mario | N64 | |
Paper Mario – Color Splash | WiiU | |
Paper Mario – Sticker Star | 3DS | |
Paper-Mario – The Thousand-Year Door | GameCube | |
Parasite Eve | PS1 | Annó elkezdtem, de abbahagytam |
Parasite Eve 2 | PS1 | |
Patapon | PSP | |
Patapon 2 | PSP | |
Patapon 3 | PSP | |
Patchwork Heroes | PSP | |
Perfect Dark | N64, XBLA | |
Phantom Breaker – Battle Grounds | XBLA | |
Phantom Dust | XBOX | |
Phoenix Wright – Ace Attorney | NDS | |
Phoenix Wright – Ace Attorney – Justice for All | NDS | |
Phoenix Wright – Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations | NDS | |
Pikmin | GameCube | Elkezdtem, félbemaradt |
Pikmin 2 | GameCube | |
Pikmin 3 | WiiU | |
PixelJunk Racers | PSN | |
PixelJunk Racers – 2nd Lap | PSN | |
PixelJunk Shooter | PSN | |
PixelJunk Shooter 2 | PSN | |
Point Blank | PS1 | |
Point Blank 2 | PS1 | |
Point Blank 3 | PS1 | |
Point Blank DS | NDS | |
Policenauts (csak fordítással) | PS1, Sega Saturn | |
Pong – The Next Level | PS1 | |
Populous | SNES | |
Populous – The Beginning | DOS, PS1 | |
Populous DS | NDS | |
Populous II – Trials of the Olympian Gods | DOS, SNES | |
Power Drome | XBOX | |
Power Monger | SNES | |
Power Stone | DreamCast | |
Power Stone 2 | DreamCast | |
PowerStone Collection | PSP | |
Poy Poy | PS1 | |
Poy Poy 2 | PS1 | |
Prehistorik | PC | Örök klasszikus! |
Prehistorik 2 | PC | Örök klasszikus 2.0! |
Prehistorik Man | SNES | |
Prince of Persia – The Fallen King | NDS | |
Prisoner of War | PS2 | |
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (2013) | 3DS | |
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (2008) | NDS | |
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (2009) | NDS | |
Professor Layton and the Last Specter (2011) | NDS | |
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (2012) | 3DS | |
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (2010) | NDS | |
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (2014) | 3DS | |
Project Eden | PC | |
Psi-Ops – The Mindgate Conspiracy | PS2 | |
Punch-Out! | Wii | |
Quake | PC | |
Quake 2 | PC | |
QUBE | PC | |
QUBE 2 | PC | |
Quest of Dungeons | WiiU | |
Rage | PC | Párszor nekifutottam, párszor kifagyott, reméljük most nem fog |
Raging Blades | PS2 | |
rain | PSN/PS3 | |
Rainbow Moon | PSN | |
Rapid Reload | PS1 | |
Raptor – Call of the Shadows | DOS | |
Rat Attack! | N64 | |
Ratchet – Gladiator | PS2 | |
Ratchet & Clank | PS2 | |
Ratchet & Clank – A Crack in Time | PS3 | |
Ratchet & Clank – All 4 One | PS3 | |
Ratchet & Clank – Full Frontal Assault / Qforce | PS3 | |
Ratchet & Clank – Into the Nexus | PS3 | |
Ratchet & Clank – Quest for Booty | PS3 | |
Ratchet & Clank – Size Matters | PS2 | |
Ratchet & Clank – Tools of Destruction | PS3 | |
Ratchet & Clank 2 – Locked and Loaded | PS2 | |
Ratchet & Clank 2016 | PS4 | |
Ratchet & Clank 3 | PS2 | |
Ratchet & Clank Deadlocked / Gladiator HD | PSN | |
Ratchet & Clank Going Commando HD | PSN | |
Ratchet & Clank HD | PSN | |
Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal HD | PSN | |
Rayman Legends | PC, PS3, X360, WiiU | |
Rayman Origins | PC, PS3, X360 | |
Red Dead Redemption – Undead Nightmare | X360 | |
Red Dead Revolver | PS2 | |
Red Faction | PC | |
Red Faction Armageddon | PC | |
Red Faction Guerrilla | PC | |
Red Faction II | PC | |
Red Steel | Wii | |
Red Steel 2 | Wii | |
Resident Evil | PS1 | |
Resident Evil – The Darkside Chronicles | Wii | |
Resident Evil – The Umbrella Chronicles | Wii | |
Resident Evil 2 | PS1 | |
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis | PS1 | |
Resident Evil Director’s Cut | PS1 | |
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City (csak ha van co-op) | PC, X360 | |
Resistance – Fall of Man | PS3 | |
Resistance – Retribution | PSP | |
Resistance 2 | PS3 | |
Resistance 3 | PS3 | |
Riders of Rohan | DOS | |
River City – Rival Showdown (2017) | 3DS | |
River City – Tokyo Rumble (2016) | 3DS | |
River City Ransom | NES | |
RoboBlitz | XBLA | |
Robot Alchemic Drive | PS2 | |
Rock of Ages | PC, PS3, X360 | |
Rogue Galaxy | PS2 | |
Rogue Legacy | PC | |
Ronin Blade / Soul of the Samurai | PS1 | |
Rotastic | XBLA | |
Rule of Rose | PS2 | Idegőrlő egy játék, de jó |
Sacred Citadel | PC, PSN, XBLA | |
Saints Row – Gat out of Hell | PC, X360 | |
Saints Row – The Third | PC, X360 | |
Saints Row IV | PC, X360 | |
Saw II – Flesh & Blood | PS3, X360 | |
Scooby-Doo – Mystery Mayhem | GameCube | |
Scooby-Doo – Night of 100 Frights | GameCube | |
Scooby-Doo – Unmasked | GameCube | |
Scooby-Doo! – Classic Creep Capers | N64 | |
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – The Game | PC, PSN, XBLA | |
Scribblenauts Unlimited | PC, WiiU | |
Secret Agent Clank | PS2 | |
Secret of Mana | SNES | |
Sengoku | NeoGeo | |
Sengoku 2 | NeoGeo | |
Sengoku 3 | NeoGeo | |
Sengoku Basara – Samurai Heroes | Wii | |
Shadow Complex | XBLA | |
Shadow of Memories | PS2 | A demóját rongyosra játszottam |
Shadow of Rome | PS2 | |
Shadow of the Tomb Raider | PC | |
Shadows of the Damned | PS3, X360 | |
Shakedown Hawaii | Wii | |
Shank | PC, PSN, XBLA | |
Shank 2 | PC, PSN, XBLA | |
Shantae – Half-Genie Hero | PC, WiiU | |
Shantae – Risky’s Revenge | PC, WiiU | |
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse | PC, WiiU | |
Shenmue | PC | „I see…” 😀 |
Shenmue II | PC | |
Shinobido – Tales of the Ninja | PSP | |
Shinobido – Way of the Ninja | PS2 | |
Shipwreckers / Overboard | PS1 | |
Shoot Many Robots | PC, PSN, XBLA | |
Shounen Ninja Sasuke | SNES | |
Sid Meier’s Pirates! | XBOX | |
Silent Bomber | PS1 | A demóját rongyosra játszottam, a játékot meg vagy 10x újrakezdtem, ideje lenne végigjátszani |
Silent Hill | PS1 | |
Silent Hill – Downpour | PS3, X360 | |
Silent Hill – Homecoming | PS3, X360 | |
Silent Hill 2 | PS2, X360 | |
Silent Hill 2 – Director’s Cut | PS2, X360 | |
Silent Hill 3 | PS2, X360 | |
Silent Scope | DreamCast | |
Silent Scope 2 | PS2 | |
Silent Scope 3 | PS2 | |
Silent Scope Complete | XBOX | |
Silver | DreamCast | |
Sin and Punishment – Successor of the Skies / Star Successor | Wii | |
Sine Mora | PC, PSN, XBLA | „Nem b**dmeg, az egy Őrszem!!!” 😀 |
Siren – Blood Curse | PS3 | |
Skate 3 | PS3, X360 | |
Skeleton Krew | MegaDrive | |
Skies of Arcadia | DreamCast | |
Skies of Arcadia Legends | GameCube | |
Skydive – Proximity Flight | PSN, XBLA | |
SkyRoads | PC | |
Sleeping Dogs | PC | |
Sly 2 – Band of Thieves | PS2 | |
Sly 3 – Honor Among Thieves | PS2 | |
Sly Cooper – Thieves in Time | PS3 | |
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus | PS2 | |
Small Soldiers | PS1 | |
Smash TV | XBLA | |
Snatcher (fordítás kell hozzá) | PS1, Sega Saturn | |
Sniper Elite 4 | PC | Elkezdtem, de nem kötött le úgy, mint a 2. vagy a 3. rész… |
Sniper Elite 5 | PC | |
Soldiers of Fortune / The Chaos Engine | SNES | |
South Park | PS1 | |
South Park – The Fractured But Whole | PC | |
South Park – The Stick of Truth | PC | |
Spare Parts | PSN | |
Spartan – Total Warrior | PS2, GameCube | |
Spider-Man & Venom – Maximum Carnage | SNES | |
Splatoon | WiiU, Switch | |
Splatterhouse | MegaDrive | |
Splatterhouse 2 | MegaDrive | |
Splatterhouse 3 | MegaDrive | |
Splinter Cell Blacklist | PC | |
Splosion Man | XBLA | |
Spyro – A Hero’s Tail | PS2, GameCube | |
Spyro – Enter the Dragonfly | PS2, GameCube | |
Star Fox | SNES | |
Star Fox 64 | N64 | |
Star Fox Assault | GameCube | |
Star Fox Command | NDS | |
Star Fox Zero | WiiU | |
Star Ocean – The Second Story | PS1 | |
Star Wars – The Force Unleashed | PC, X360 | |
Star Wars – The Force Unleashed II | PC, X360 | |
State of Decay | XBLA | |
State of Emergency | PS2 | |
State of Emergency 2 | PS2 | |
Stranglehold | X360 | |
Streets of Rage | MegaDrive | |
Streets of Rage 2 | MegaDrive | |
Streets of Rage 3 | MegaDrive | |
Stronghold | DOS | |
Sunset Overdrive | PC | |
Sunset Riders | SNES | |
Super Double Dragon | SNES | |
Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts | SNES | |
Super Mario 3D Land | 3DS | |
Super Mario 3D World | WiiU | |
Super Mario 64 | N64 | |
Super Mario Galaxy | Wii | |
Super Mario Galaxy 2 | Wii | |
Super Mario RPG – Legend of the Seven Stars | SNES | |
Super Mario Sunshine | GameCube | |
Super Mario World | SNES | |
Super Mario World 2 – Yoshi’s Island | SNES | |
Super Metroid | SNES | |
Super Pang | SNES | |
Super Paper Mario | Wii | |
Super Smash T.V. | SNES, MegaDrive | |
Super Star Wars | SNES | |
Super Star Wars – Return of the Jedi | SNES | |
Super Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back | SNES | |
Super Stardust HD | PSN | |
SWAT – Target Liberty | PSP | |
Sword of the Berserk – Guts’ Rage | DreamCast | |
Swords & Soldiers | PS3, X360 | |
Swords & Soldiers II | PS3, X360, WiiU | |
Syndicate (2012) | PC, X360 | |
T’ai Fu – Wrath of the Tiger | PS1 | Az „eredeti” kung-fu panda (vagy inkább tigris) |
Tail of the Sun | PS1 | |
Tales of Symphonia | GameCube | |
Tenchu – Fatal Shadows | PS2 | |
Tenchu – Shadow Assassins | PSP | |
Tenchu – Time of the Assassins | PSP | |
Tenchu – Wrath of Heaven | PS2 | |
Tenchu Z | X360 | |
Th3 Plan | PS2 | |
The 3rd Birthday | PSP | |
The Adventures of Willy Beamish | Sega CD | |
The Bouncer | PS2 | |
The Cave | PS3, XBLA, WiiU | |
The Conduit | Wii | |
The Conduit 2 | Wii | |
The Curse of Monkey Island | PC | |
The Dig | DOS | |
The Dishwasher – Dead Samurai | XBLA | |
The Dishwasher – Vampire Smile | XBLA | |
The Fall | WiiU | |
The Fifth Element | PS1 | |
The Horde | PC, Sega Saturn | |
The Incredible Machine | PC | Gyerekkorunk örök klasszikusa |
The Incredible Machine – Even More Contraptions | PC | |
The Incredible Machine 2 | PC | |
The Last Story | Wii | |
The Legend of Kage 2 | NDS | |
The Legend of Oasis / The Story of Thor 2 | Sega Saturn | |
The Legend of Spyro – A New Beginning | PS2, GameCube | |
The Legend of Spyro – Dawn of the Dragon | PS2 | |
The Legend of Spyro – The Eternal Night | PS2 | |
The Legend of Zelda | NES | |
The Legend of Zelda – A Link Between Worlds | 3DS | |
The Legend of Zelda – A Link to the Past | SNES | |
The Legend of Zelda – Breath of the Wild | WiiU | |
The Legend of Zelda – Majora’s Mask | N64 | |
The Legend of Zelda – Ocarina of Time | N64 | |
The Legend of Zelda – Skyward Sword | Wii | |
The Legend of Zelda – Spirit Tracks | NDS | |
The Legend of Zelda – Tri Force Heroes | 3DS | |
The Legend of Zelda – Twilight Princess | GameCube, Wii | |
The Legend of Zelda – Twilight Princess HD | WiiU | |
The Legend of Zelda – Wind Waker | GameCube | |
The Legend of Zelda – Wind Waker HD | WiiU | |
The Lion King | PC | |
The Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King | PC | |
The Maw | XBLA | |
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne | PS1 | |
The Note | PS1 | |
The Outfit | X360 | |
The Punisher | PS2 | |
The Secret of Monkey Island | PC | |
The Secret of Monkey Island – Special Edition | PC, PSN | |
The Settlers | PC | |
The Sly Collection | PS3 | |
The Suffering | PS2 | Csak azért, mert a 2. rész olvassa az 1. rész mentését, ha jól tudom… |
The Suffering 2 | PS2 | |
The Super Spy | NeoGeo | |
The Untouchables | SNES | |
The Warriors | PS2 | |
The Wonderful 101 | WiiU | |
The World Ends with You | NDS | |
Theme Hospital | PC | |
Theme Park World | PC | |
Ticket to Ride | XBLA | |
Time Crisis – Project Titan | PS1 | |
Time Crisis 2 | PS2 | |
Time Crisis 3 | PS2 | |
TimeSplitters | PS2 | |
TimeSplitters 2 | PS2, GameCube | |
Toonstruck | PC | |
Touch the Dead / Dead ‘n’ Furious | NDS | |
Toy Commander | DreamCast | |
Toy Soldiers | XBLA | |
Toy Soldiers – Cold War | XBLA | |
Trapt | PS2 | |
Trash Panic | PSN | |
Trauma Center – New Blood | Wii | |
Trauma Center – Second Opinion | Wii | |
Trauma Team | Wii | |
Tsumi to Batsu – Hoshi no Keishousha / Sin and Punishment | N64 | |
Twin Caliber | PS2 | |
Ultimate Ghosts ‘n Goblins | PSP | |
Urban Reign | PS2 | |
Vagrant Story | PS1 | |
Valkyria Chronicles HD | PC | Elkezdtem, a 2. résszel sokat játszottam, és nagyon is bejön |
Valkyria Chronicles II | PSP | |
Vanquish | PC, X360 | |
Vigilante 8 Arcade | XBLA | |
Virtual Hydlide | Sega Saturn | |
Walking Dead Michonne | PC, PSN | |
Warhammer 40k – Space Marine | PC, X360 | Elkezdtem, mert jön a folytatás, és a demóját rongyosra játszottam |
Way of the Samurai | PS2 | |
Way of the Samurai 2 | PS2 | |
What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord!? 2 | PSP | |
When Vikings Attack | PSN | |
Whiplash | PS2 | |
White Knight Chronicles | PS3 | |
White Knight Chronicles 2 | PS3 | |
Wik and the Fable of Souls | XBLA | |
Wild 9 | PS1 | |
Wolf Fang – Kuhga 2001 SS | Sega Saturn | |
Wolfenstein 3D | PC | |
Wolfenstein 3D – Spear of Destiny | PC | |
Wrath Unleashed | XBOX | |
Wreckateer | XBLA | |
Wrecked – Revenge Revisited | PSN, XBLA | |
Xena – Warrior Princess | PS1 | |
Xenoblade Chronicles | Wii | |
Xenoblade Chronicles X | WiiU | |
Xenogears | PS1 | |
Yoshi’s Woolly World | WiiU | |
Ys – The Ark of Napishtim | PS2 | |
Ys I & II Chronicles | PSP | |
Ys Seven | PSP | |
Zero Escape – Zero Time Dilemma | 3DS | |
Zero Wing | MegaDrive | „All your base are belong to us!” |
Zombie Apocalypse | PSN, XBLA | |
Zombie Apocalypse – Never Die Alone | PSN, XBLA | |
Zombie Driver HD | XBLA | |
Zombie Revenge | DreamCast | |
Zombies Ate My Neighbors | SNES | |
Zombies Seeker | NDS | |
ZombiU | PC, WiiU | |
Zone of the Enders | PS2 | |
Zone of the Enders – The 2nd Runner Special Edition | PS2 | |
Zone of the Enders 2 HD Edition | PSN | |
Zone of the Enders HD Collection | PS3 | |
Zone of the Enders HD Edition | PSN |